RJB Consulting

Quality Engineering and Consulting


Strategic Test consulting

IT organisations across the world are on a constant push to optimise the quality of their software while trying to reduce delivery time periods and costs to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction and operating standards. It is the efficiency of Quality Assurance processes that most often act as the deciding factor in attaining these goals. And this is where strategic testing consulting and advisory services by an established, experienced QA consultant can help organisations to fine tune their quality assurance processes and achieve business goals.

  • Strategic Test Consulting is a multi-step quality improvement programme
  • Quality is the aim of a strategic test consulting process
  • Consultation is imperative to develop tailor-made bespoke testing solutions

QA Transformation Consultancy page

To improve their software delivery quality and to fine-tune their delivery processes, organisations must first identify where they stand in terms of software quality assurance maturity. By realising and understanding gaps and shortcomings in their delivery processes, organisations can continuously work towards improving all aspects of their software delivery process across the delivery lifecycle, ultimately enabling them to transform their QA process into a high-powered, high-quality software delivery engine.

Why Choose Us?

RJB, as a veteran pure-play software testing company has long-standing expertise in delivering high-quality software. Our consulting services can analyse your QA processes and provide you with the direction, resources and manpower to develop a roadmap and touch points to completely transform the way your company delivers applications. We can reduce the cost of testing and the time to market whilst improving operational efficiency and enhancing the quality of your products. We will initially deeply learn and assess your product/service, requirements and testing practices. Our consulting services can help your company to:

  • To achieve shorter and faster software delivery cycles
  • Perfectly align IT and business needs with no leakage
  • Let RJB manage your QA and testing services
  • You can focus your organisation’s time, skills and energy on running your business.
  • We will ensure that you meet the product quality standards required.
  • Optimise tool, resource and knowledge utilisation
  • Achieve complete digital transformation of services